
Monday, January 19, 2015

Where It All Began

Only two short summers ago, my life was completely changed through the experience of being indulged in an essentially lost third-world nation. But that journey didn't just begin there...

Our team had such a fun time playing "futbol" with the local children!

Growing up, I was blessed with an amazing family. My mom was a key role in shaping me to be missions-minded. All throughout grade school, I participated in Girls in Action (casually known as GA's in the South) that educates young girls about missions locally as well as internationally. Being so young, it is often discouraging to hear and learn about all the great things those missionaries are doing. Living in the jungle with monkeys, helping children in orphanages, going into African tribes, all of that. To an adventure lover, that is totally a dream job. Sign me up! Even my sister was on board at her young age. My parents often recall her (at five years old) being so set on going to Africa when she was twelve. They thought she was insane at the time, but that is just how our family rolls. We set big goals and have big dreams, but our God is a big God. If it is in His will, it will happen.

Funny how God works like that. Do we ever just take the time to realize how divine His plan for our lives is? Like, He works in such marvelous ways that often we may think even He is crazy. What do you mean go to a foreign nation? Why me? I don't know enough. I don't know the language. I don't have the funds... and the list goes on. What do You mean You want to use me? I'm not the one you're looking for!

Oh, but you are.

He wants to use our lives just how they are! Old, young, parent, student, whatever the case may be. In my case, I was a fifteen-year-old soon-to-be Sophomore in High School from Mississippi. How could God use me in Africa? What could God do with my twelve-year-old sister (and, yes God has a sense of humor. She did, indeed travel to Africa at the age of twelve, just as she said.) in the hills of Nairobi? Well, it takes all kinds.

Caroline and I with our friend who spent the week playing with us

First, let's get our facts straight here. Nairobi, Kenya, has a population reaching over 3 million people. It is a place ranging from very urbanized, higher-class areas to those of utter poverty and crime. It is a very dangerous city that is constantly under attack now, as seen with the Nairobi Mall Attack only a few short months after my team and I left the city. Peddlers are often seen between cars on the street selling their wares, traffic is UTTER chaos (let's just say, thank you Lord for American traffic rules!), and the nature is absolutely breathtaking. I could not ever get over the beauty of the landscape. Moments like those are the ones that make you wonder, "How can anyone say that there is no Creator? That this just... happened?"

Many times, peddlers would be selling their wares out of the back of a donkey
cart to try and make some extra money.

I had the blessing of spending two weeks in Limuru, Kenya, that is only about an hour away from Nairobi. There, my team and I were able to reach out to local children and families, as well as attend a local Church there. It was such an eye-opening experience in that service. To see those who have little to nothing compared to what we live with, those who are hurting with all kinds of needs, those who are being persecuted, you name it... just praising God and thanking Him for what they DO have put me to shame. How often do we complain that we didn't get ALL the Christmas presents we wanted? or maybe we didn't get the raise at work or grade we thought we deserved? It all is petty when you put it in perspective.

The beautiful motto of the church we attended throughout the week in Limuru.

The spirits of these people amazed me. Oh, that we may know what it means to be in a state of dependence upon God for everything, rather than ourselves! How I long to return to the people here, and reflect on God's truths of humility. May we stand in awe of the majesty of God as we think of His sovereignty of all the nations and how He can use anyone (yes, even YOU!) to do His work. We don't even have to go on international trips to share His love. We can even go across the street to a neighbor, coworker, friend, family member, classmate, etc. They need His love too. May we live everyday with a Kingdom-filled purpose.

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