
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Finding my Happily Ever After

Twenty years old. This is the time when you’re supposed to start figuring out your career plans, finding your potential spouse, interviewing for internships, becoming an adult. Society has pounded that ideal over and over again into our minds that we feel as if we aren’t “normal” if we are not at that point yet. And that, my friends, is a SHAME.

I know personally as of late I have started making the joke to my friends saying “IF I get married” rather than “WHEN I get married,” and we all snicker and joke about it. Deep down, we all hope that isn’t our reality for the future. Everyone hopes to one day be swept off their feet by their “true love” and live happily ever after. Isn’t that what we have always dreamed of (and are always told from a young age to be true)? You see so many engagements on social media and you dream about what yours may one day be like. We put so much value on status, thinking that one day we will reach this point where we can TRULY be happy. Becoming a wife. Becoming a doctor. Finishing college. Gaining an abundance of wealth. Getting the best and greatest new thing. In our minds, once we reach this goal we have set for ourselves—BOOM, we’ve made it in life. We have fulfilled our dream and that’s it.

This is where I was utterly amazed by wisdom from such sweet friends. In the midst of focusing on determining my worth and goals from what I have heard from the world, God knocked me off my feet and reminded me of HIS ultimate purpose for my life. The other day, I was talking about hoping to one-day reach a status of becoming a wife, gaining my degree, and finally feel like I have reached my purpose as a human. (You know, one of those moments where you want to be completely right and just have everyone agree with your pity party.) One of my friends tells me, “You know, you don’t have to find the ONE to have your happily ever after, Mary Katherine. Your happily ever after begins once you decide to serve in your eternal purpose.”

That hit me. I had never thought about that before. Because we live in the here and now, it is so easy to only focus and prioritize that reality. In all actuality, we aren’t here to live for the “here and now.” As believers we have a purpose. We are called to expand His kingdom.

Matthew 28:18-20
“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’”

Acts 1:8
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem (“your hometown”), and in all Judea and Samaria (“your nation”), and to the ends of the earth (… the whole world).”

When we surrender to the Lord’s calling (ultimately HIMSELF and serving Him), we have reached our path toward our Happily Ever After. Yes, some of us will experience the joy of marriage. Yes, we can feel accomplished serving in our desired career. HOWEVER, these temporary blessings will not ever be completely and perfectly fulfilling or joy-giving like the love of Christ. HE is the one our heart longs for. HE is the only perfect love. The ONLY goal of this life. One day, those who have given their lives to him will rejoice in their Happily Ever After for all of eternity.

Oh, how I have found my joy in Him and how my heart longs for that reunion of praise!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Be Still and Know

"Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" 

Psalm 46:10

"Be Still and Know." It seems as though I see it everywhere... from cute little quote boxes to Instagram bios, this statement almost seems commonplace. So often, I tend to brush it off as an "encouraging statement" for those like me who are constantly busy with everything and forget to rest. 

IT IS SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT! It is not even close to being JUST a casual phrase-- it is a command. A command many, especially myself, neglect to obey. 

Why is it that we find it so hard to just BE STILL? As a college student, I constantly feel like I have to be doing something. When I actually have a chance to sit, I find myself panicking because I should PROBABLY be doing something for class the next day. But even in those moments, I am commanded to be still.

We are commanded to be still, even when we have doubts. KNOW that He is God.

This time last year, I was a senior in High School with absolutely no idea about my future in college. Doubts, of course, began to creep in. What would it be like on my own? Did I make the right choice in my school? Would I be lonely? Should I just pack up and move to Africa right now? (I wish...)

It would be impossible for me to have known any of the answers to those questions then. If only I knew at that time everything that I have the answers to now. The Lord would provide for me on my own. Absolutely, Mississippi State was the place for me during this time as a Freshman in college. Loneliness would only be temporary-- He would provide me with a spiritually mature, encouraging group of friends in His timing. (Still think I should move to Africa, but...)

However, because I did not have the answers, I instead chose to rest in His promises. As Exodus 14:14 states, "The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." There it is again-- BE STILL. In the midst of doubt and worry, stillness is key. The Lord is in control. 

"So do not fear, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." 

Isaiah 41:10

We are commanded to be still, even when we are busy.

That statement sounds so contradictory, but I promise it is the truth. In fact, the most treasured times with the Lord are often when we take a step back from the chaos surrounding us and breathe in His peace. When we take time to simply rest in the Lord and His goodness, we are acknowledging that He is our source of strength. Busyness, honestly, is a monster created by our society. It distracts us from our created purpose of glorifying the Lord and expanding His kingdom. 

"Resting" is easier said than done. I mean, how often do I REALLY take the time to stop and rest, even for a moment? We get so caught up in responsibilities, assignments, appointments, you name it... those things just HAVE to get done! Not only that, but even in times of stillness technology is constantly calling for our attention. It is lying to our human nature that we have to be constantly connected!

This, of course, cannot be further from the truth. Constant connection pulls us away from relationships with people (yes, you can actually talk to people face to face), opportunities to serve others, and most importantly time that could be spent investing in our walk with the Lord. It seems so simple... serve others, be a light, and spend time with your Savior. The whole system gets complicated, though, the very moment that our human nature gets the best of us and says that our time could be spent more "wisely" in other areas (because why not watch two seasons of a show in two days? That sounds smart!). We lose track of time, and before we even realize it, we have cut our time with the Lord to a measly five minute devotion and prayer before we go to bed.

When did we convince ourselves that it was acceptable to save such a small amount of time for our Savior? We are called to be still; will we follow that direction?

We are commanded to be still-- so let's start.

Honestly, it is so difficult to get alone with the Lord without distractions. There is a constant presence of people, and when we are alone, technology begins to fill that "void". How are we going to be able to heed this imperative statement if we cannot get away? It is easiest to simply find a place of refuge; a place where you can spend time with the Lord without any distractions. No people. No phones. Nothing but you and the Lord.

For me, the bridge in the picture above is my place of solitude. Nature has always been a scene of solace when my world is full of chaos; what better location to get alone and sit in awe of Him than in His creation? This bridge is where I can truly Be Still as I am told. It is where I can place all my distractions, troubles, and worries aside and allow the Lord to fill me with His presence. In the silence, you can hear His callings on your life. In the stillness, you can feel His guidance in your walk. In the loneliness, you can be accompanied by His companionship. He is all you need in those moments alone with Him, the King of Kings and Creator of all things.

As a new year is approaching, just Be Still. Find a place of solitude with the Lord. Rest in His presence-- He is in control.

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Matthew 6:34

Friday, August 12, 2016

Letters from a College Freshman: Thank You

Thank you.

Two simple words, but often we forget to express them fully. Sometimes, we are unable to put into words exactly how grateful we are for various aspects of our lives. I find this to be fully true as I have begun this new chapter in life as a College Freshman. This "letter" per se is for every parent, teacher, mentor, spiritual advisor, etc. who had an impact on the Class of 2016 (both myself and my peers starting this journey as well).

Thank you for teaching me the value of friendship and accountability.

As the new Class of 2020 begins their new season on college campuses nationwide, being thrown into a campus of 21,000 other students (give or take) can be quite daunting. Coming from a small school, this was especially difficult for me to grasp! What do you mean I'm going to see new faces everyday?? However challenging it was for me to understand, I am beyond grateful to have the value of true friendship instilled in my mind. The Lord is gracious and hears every request-- even "small" ones asking for godly friendships. He is a good good Father. I can personally attest to His graciousness in opening door after door for a spiritually mature friendship to develop. Each day on campus, I have met a new smiling face with a new story. It is a blessing to know that we are not alone in our struggles, triumphs, failures, or victories. Friendship at this stage in life is vital; the friendships we make at this point in the year will determine the trajectory of the next four years. Thank you for instilling in us the importance of finding solid friends-- friends that will encourage, mentor, serve with, and pray with each other.

Thank you for reminding me that everyday isn't going to be sunshine and roses.

College has the reputation (as many people have relayed to me) of being the "best four years of your life." Sure, there are newly found freedoms and deep-spirited relationships to be made. There is a freedom to truly follow the Lord's guidance and not have to worry about your decision affecting anyone directly beside yourself- not a spouse, not children, no one. Though, sure, college is exciting and truly fun, you have reminded us that there are days when we will struggle. Days we will rejoice. Other days, it may be pushing it to even want to get out of bed and push through class. Thank you for encouraging us to embrace the "college life," but more importantly thank you for being there to pick us up when we stumble and fall or are struggling to find joy in our loneliness.

Thank you for teaching me to serve.

"The world does not revolve around you!"

For me personally, it is an amazing reminder for those days where I really just want to throw a giant pity party with Me, Myself, and I. Thank you for picking me up and reminding me that, yes, the world truly is not revolving around my problems. You have taught me the value of serving others, giving back to the community that shaped me, and sharing the love and hope of Jesus Christ with others. It is so neat to look back over my high school years and how your encouragement for me to serve and get involved with global missions. The Lord used your encouragement and prodded me to choose a career that would allow me to follow His calling, wherever He may have me. Thank you for always pointing me to service and humility. Through your example, I have seen time after time the woman/person that the Lord is calling me to be. 

With that being said, I want you to know that we appreciate you. To our mentors, teachers, family, and everyone who has impacted our lives-- THANK YOU for making us the young adults we are today. Thank you for not holding back with advice and encouragement. DO NOT QUIT. This society today needs more people like you; this society that values self above all else needs a reality check. Thank you for being my reality check and for following the Lord's calling to be an encouragement to my peers and me. We admire you far more than you will ever know.

Thank you.

With love,
The Class of 2016

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Pura Vida, 2016

Our team was beyond ready to see what the Lord had in store in Costa Rica!
First and foremost, I praise God for His mighty works and his choice to use broken vessels like myself and others to spread His name. I just wanted to update everyone on how the Lord is working mightily on international soil- specifically in Costa Rica! This post is long overdue, but the message and His ministry is still the same. I would like to personally thank each of you who supported me financially through purchasing my necklaces and tees- the Lord provided above and beyond what I ever could have imagined. I especially want to thank those who immersed my team and I in prayer before and during our trip. Prayer is a vital part of our spiritual walk daily, but even more so as one is called on mission. The Lord is and was gracious throughout the entire trip, carrying our team through heartache, homesickness, illnesses, injuries, and especially through spiritual warfare. Our God is so good as He strengthened and encouraged each of us spiritually throughout the week. Daily worship and praise as a team was such a refreshing time to thrive in our faith.

The Lord worked mightily in my own life before this trip; He restored full dependency in His power, faithfulness, and love. He reminded me of the ultimate purpose of living for his eternal kingdom, especially in periods of singleness. This time in life without commitment to a significant other, children, or dependents is the most critical time in one's life to be used for His glory, without any strings attached! Use the time the Lord has given you to its utmost potential-- He is calling you for a reason! He also restored ultimate joy in my life. Joy that is indescribable and incomparable to any other. Joy in the work of my Savior.

I was blessed with the opportunity to serve with my International Biblical Studies class in San Jose, Costa Rica, with Students International. Students International is an organization that partners with short-term teams, but continues to serve in the area for much longer. There were different capacities in which our team served while we were there: Sports, Social Services, Special Education, Woodshop, and Microfinance. I had the blessing to serve with three of my dear friends in the Sports site where we had the privilege to share the love of Christ through sports with children living in various villages surrounding San Jose.

The sports group after a long day of soccer and hiking. (Featuring our godly leader, Thompson!)
Many of the sports that Costa Rican children enjoy are similar to sports we play here in America. Of course, the favorite is Soccer; however, they also enjoy participating in Basketball, Football, Four-Square, Hopscotch, you name it! Seeing their face light up with joy absolutely melts your heart. It most certainly puts our lives as "wealthy" Americans into perspective. They are content with their lifestyle- one that consists of rice and beans, one-room houses, filthy water... Our culture looks down on that, yet they consider it a blessing! Why is that? Why can I not be fulfilled like that-- content, perfectly happy with what I have?

One of our favorite children at the Los Guido site. His smiles and laughter were contagious!

They prefer to play four square in Costa Rica with their feet, but the Americans couldn't catch on...

Timothy and Thompson don't take the game lightly!
Each day, we were blessed with attending different sites. This allowed us as a team to develop relationships, though very short, with multitudes of children who live in the suburbs of San Jose. Many of these areas were politically corrupt, impoverished, and full of crime. Many of the children we were able to connect with came from broken homes, and teens were often involved in gang-like activities. To them, it is strange to see a group of "gringos" in their area loving on them and playing sports in the street. Many tourists completely avoid the areas in which we were serving. In fact, our presence in those neighborhoods that citizens on the bus would ask if we missed our bus stop... back at the capital! It was humbling to see how special our simple recreational activities brightened their lives, even for a few short hours. Smiles, giggles, and the sweet sound of Spanish continue to resonate in my brain-- even several months later. I have never experienced a greater joy or amazement in the Lord than while speaking with several teenage girls during our Ping Pong Club one afternoon. It still amazes me how the Lord allowed me to speak with them and understand our conversations... that lasted two hours. (Yes. I believe the Lord most certainly was speaking through me. It felt like a Tower of Babel and speaking in foreign tongues kind of moment! Who knew this Mississippi girl had such a niche for EspaƱol?)

Three of the girls that Caitlin and I instantly were able to connect with. They love to sing, dance, do gymnastics, and chase you while trying to tickle you!

Thompson with the group of boys that attend bicycle club every week! They learn about Christ and His love for them, learn to fix their bikes, and enjoy godly fellowship off of the streets of Costa Rica.

Sports team with the group at Ping Pong club! 

The views in this country are beyond spectacular. It is quite difficult to even put into words (or capture on camera!) this beauty and relay it to others. Ironically, Costa Rica is quite the oxymoron, of sorts. In the middle of our week in Costa Rica, one of our team leaders took us on a hike up the mountainside to allow us to see the magnificent volcanoes surrounding the communities we were serving. Upon our arrival at the clearing, we could see for miles within the "bowl" of volcanoes (and let me just say, the view was absolutely breathtaking!). Each of us was speechless at how amazing our Creator is and stood in awe of His handiwork. In the midst of our amazement, the team leader took the time to explain to our team that, as Americans, we see the area as absolutely beautiful-- some would dare say perfect. However, this is not the case with those who live in the area.

No-- indeed, it is actually quite the opposite. You see, when the locals climb up to the top of that hill and look out over the community, they only see the area for what it really is. In their eyes, that view is complete filth. Impoverishment. Crime. Corruption. Greed. Often as outsiders, we come in with the wrong view of service. As missions-minded Americans, we are not there to "fix" the problem. We are truly there to humble ourselves out of respect for the example set by Christ to become servants. Missionaries simply join in the work the Lord is already doing at every given moment.

No picture will ever do the absolute beauty of God's creation justice.
Pray for Costa Rica and these trials that locals face everyday. Pray for their government, social issues, and general safety for the children who live in the communities surrounding San Jose. Students International is continuing to pour into these children's lives as the Holy Spirit moves. Pray for continued strength, safety, wisdom, and perseverance for each staff member and intern who are there each day. Seeds are daily being planted-- pray that they will take root and spread not only to these kids, but that they would grow within each of their families. From the families to the communities. The Lord is doing MIGHTY things in Costa Rica. He is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. Every tribe and nation is longing to hear the good news of hope that can only found in our Savior. How is the Lord calling you to contribute to this longing? How are you being called to serve right where you are?

We hated to say goodbye, but we know God is still working mightily in this land!

Friday, April 29, 2016

To the Ones Living a Life of Singleness

It is just another Friday night... I have finished my last Friday of high school, representing Maroon Friday with the awesome Vans (Hail State!), enjoyed the company of new precious friends while singing our hearts out in the movies, and so forth...

But tonight is different than other Friday nights. As I sit back and think about these past several months, I begin to realize all that the Lord has done. He has blessed us with opportunities daily to share his love, and, for me personally, He is daily calling us to something higher. Something greater than many are willing to give-- to take advantage of the life He has given us in every moment. It looks differently for each person, but for many of us He is calling us to take advantage of living a life of singleness.

Say WHAT? He is calling us to live a period of time in singleness? 

For some of us, yes. Over these past several weeks, I have battled this very idea. Lord, why are you calling me to serve you in the midst of brokenness and singleness? The answer to this question usually is this: He calls us to serve in the midst of our brokenness because it is when we are shattered that His light can shine through our imperfections. Why would someone who is lost in darkness want to listen to a message that those who have their lives together are sharing? Surely they don't know what it is like to be broken! This cannot be further from the truth when we serve with our imperfections reflecting our Savior's grace!

During this same time of brokenness, I have had awesome godly mentors pour into me the importance of living for the Lord in the midst of a time of singleness. They continually are reminding me that the time I have right now will never happen again in my life. Right now, I do not have a spouse to be submissive to, nor do I have children that are dependent upon me. No! The only One I am to be submissive to during this period is the Lord! His will can be preeminent-- there are no worries if your spouse is also being called in the same way, nor are there worries that your children will need to be taken care of. This time is the perfect opportunity to lay down your "YES" on the table to the Lord's will. He only knows how He will work in your life when you are willing to be submissive to Him.

Who knew a period of singleness could be a blessing? It was in the midst of heartbreak that I realized how awesome the Lord is for allowing me this time to serve Him! Despite what society says, it is definitely okay to live single! Submit yourself to the Lord-- it is truly amazing how He will work and fill you with His spirit and joy! 

Lord, you are amazing. Thank you for your sovereign plan, including that of singleness. Thank you for having control over our lives, for knowing us better than we know ourselves. Your ways are wonderful, your ways are higher than our ways. Oh, how amazing you are. Let us never doubt your goodness, even in the midst of heartbreak and brokenness. Rather, bring us into your will, that your kingdom may be glorified through our shattered lives. Our yes is on the table-- use us as you will!

Also: Costa Rica Post coming soon! Cannot wait to share how the Lord is working internationally and how He worked in our team's lives!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

New Year... New You?

"As for you, you were DEAD in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of WRATH. BUT because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ EVEN when we were DEAD in transgressions-- it is by GRACE you have been saved."
~Ephesians 2:1-5 NIV~
Well, it is now officially 2016. A new year, a "fresh start" in the eyes of many. For myself and many of my friends, 2016 carries a completely different meaning; 2016 is the year of many "lasts" as well as many "firsts." However, as Christians, we have nothing to fear for the Lord has great and mighty plans for our lives- plans far greater than any we could ever create on our own.

As I said earlier, many associate a new year with new beginnings, whether it is a fresh start to pursue goals, rekindle relationships, whatever it may be. Why do we not associate each day with a new beginning? As the Word says in Lamentations 3:23, "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are NEW EVERY MORNING; great is your faithfulness!" There is never a day that passes where God withholds His abundant mercy. As the passage from Ephesians clearly explains, God made us alive with Christ even while we were consumed with and indulging continuously in our fleshly passions. His grace saves us each and every day of our existence once we place our faith in Him!

It is truly amazing to serve such a wonderful God. Just think: He CHOSE to send His only Son for you and I. Why do we hesitate to worship, to stand in awe, of our Savior? Why do we get calloused so easily to His awe-inspiring majesty? Our society is desperately searching for fulfillment, and we have the answer in His Word. Why are we not steadily proclaiming the good news?

We have what so many are looking for, yet we keep silent. As Romans 10:14 states, "How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?" There are so many celebrities that think that gaining riches, owning fancy gadgets, or increasing their fame will fulfill their deepest desires. Once they reach the height of their career, however, often they find that this is not the case.

This is the same fallacy that many in our society put their hope in today. Why do we stand back and allow them to continue to indulge in this temporary worldly life?

This year, may we be believers who step out of our "comfort zone" daily and proclaim his mercy to the ends of the earth. Our world is longing for hope in a time of utter uncertainty. May we continue to remember that we were, like many, also searching for this same hope when we were dead in our transgressions; oh what joy it is to know that we are made ALIVE eternally by His mercies!

On the other hand, if you have not personally experienced the Lord's gracious mercies, won't you come to know Him? He loves you dearly- so dearly that He sent His Son to die for you over 2,000 years ago. He longs to make you Alive in Him; He longs for you to awaken from your slumber in this world to His marvelous glory! Today is the day where you can be truly new- new in Christ! New in abundant life!
~Alive: Northpoint Christian School Class of 2016~

Sunday, October 25, 2015

All Under Control

Because it is my Senior year, I always get bombarded with the questions like "Where are you going to school next year?" "What are you going to do with your life?" "Are you dating anyone?" "Are you ready for the real world yet?" ... And the list goes on...

For a non-believer, and YES even for a believer, this time period can be stressful when you realize how crucial these next decisions are for your life. Oftentimes for many my age, we become overwhelmed with the process of deciding ultimately how our life will be forever impacted from here on out. 

BUT PRAISE MY CREATOR, for he has it under control. He assured the exiled Israelites in Jeremiah that He will fulfill His promises;  therefore, because He is the same God yesterday, today, and forever, we can be assured of the same. In Jeremiah 29:11, God reminds the Israelites "I know the plans I have for you... Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

Through everything, we can have faith in our perfect Savior that HE has a plan. In the moment, His plan may not be clear; however, everything in a believer's life according to His plan will one day bring Glory to our Father-- the One who deserves ALL honor and praise! By trusting in His promise that all things will work together for good, we should be motivated to live for His glory day in and day out. 

My Savior died on the cross not on my behalf, but IN MY PLACE! He did it for nothing in return. The least we as believers can do is live a life to glorify our Savior. Not only in our actions, but also in our words, thoughts, and decisions we make. Including decisions that will affect our lives in the present. 

As Christ-followers, we are called to further His kingdom-- to carry His name to the ends of the earth! Will the decision you make today prohibit you from glorifying His name, or will it open a door to one day be used for His glory? Stepping back, we can have peace in knowing that our God has everything under control. From the next breath we breathe to the end of all of creation, He has it all in His hands. We do not have to worry about tomorrow. He is already there.