
Friday, August 12, 2016

Letters from a College Freshman: Thank You

Thank you.

Two simple words, but often we forget to express them fully. Sometimes, we are unable to put into words exactly how grateful we are for various aspects of our lives. I find this to be fully true as I have begun this new chapter in life as a College Freshman. This "letter" per se is for every parent, teacher, mentor, spiritual advisor, etc. who had an impact on the Class of 2016 (both myself and my peers starting this journey as well).

Thank you for teaching me the value of friendship and accountability.

As the new Class of 2020 begins their new season on college campuses nationwide, being thrown into a campus of 21,000 other students (give or take) can be quite daunting. Coming from a small school, this was especially difficult for me to grasp! What do you mean I'm going to see new faces everyday?? However challenging it was for me to understand, I am beyond grateful to have the value of true friendship instilled in my mind. The Lord is gracious and hears every request-- even "small" ones asking for godly friendships. He is a good good Father. I can personally attest to His graciousness in opening door after door for a spiritually mature friendship to develop. Each day on campus, I have met a new smiling face with a new story. It is a blessing to know that we are not alone in our struggles, triumphs, failures, or victories. Friendship at this stage in life is vital; the friendships we make at this point in the year will determine the trajectory of the next four years. Thank you for instilling in us the importance of finding solid friends-- friends that will encourage, mentor, serve with, and pray with each other.

Thank you for reminding me that everyday isn't going to be sunshine and roses.

College has the reputation (as many people have relayed to me) of being the "best four years of your life." Sure, there are newly found freedoms and deep-spirited relationships to be made. There is a freedom to truly follow the Lord's guidance and not have to worry about your decision affecting anyone directly beside yourself- not a spouse, not children, no one. Though, sure, college is exciting and truly fun, you have reminded us that there are days when we will struggle. Days we will rejoice. Other days, it may be pushing it to even want to get out of bed and push through class. Thank you for encouraging us to embrace the "college life," but more importantly thank you for being there to pick us up when we stumble and fall or are struggling to find joy in our loneliness.

Thank you for teaching me to serve.

"The world does not revolve around you!"

For me personally, it is an amazing reminder for those days where I really just want to throw a giant pity party with Me, Myself, and I. Thank you for picking me up and reminding me that, yes, the world truly is not revolving around my problems. You have taught me the value of serving others, giving back to the community that shaped me, and sharing the love and hope of Jesus Christ with others. It is so neat to look back over my high school years and how your encouragement for me to serve and get involved with global missions. The Lord used your encouragement and prodded me to choose a career that would allow me to follow His calling, wherever He may have me. Thank you for always pointing me to service and humility. Through your example, I have seen time after time the woman/person that the Lord is calling me to be. 

With that being said, I want you to know that we appreciate you. To our mentors, teachers, family, and everyone who has impacted our lives-- THANK YOU for making us the young adults we are today. Thank you for not holding back with advice and encouragement. DO NOT QUIT. This society today needs more people like you; this society that values self above all else needs a reality check. Thank you for being my reality check and for following the Lord's calling to be an encouragement to my peers and me. We admire you far more than you will ever know.

Thank you.

With love,
The Class of 2016

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